Shallon Tore "I Choose"

All proceeds from the sale of “I Choose” will go to the NAACP to help fight racial injustice.

As a high school senior graduating with high honors, I told my guidance counselor I wanted to be a doctor. Despite being an excellent and accomplished student, she responded that I should consider going to a trade school across town to become a cosmetologist. Thank God I had people in my life who believed in me, otherwise I wouldn’t be the pediatrician I am today.

Racial injustice comes in many forms and unfortunately it is ingrained in American society. Systemic racism plagues America at its core, which is evident in many areas including employment, wealth, education, home ownership, healthcare, access to healthy food, and incarceration.

“I Choose” is a song I wrote during first month of the COVID-19 lockdown. I felt so anxious and fearful because “the world I used to know had crumbled to the ground.” I had to make a choice. Either I was going to let the negativity destroy me or trust in God’s promises and experience hope. Even in the midst of difficult and uncertain times, I can choose not to worry, to pray about everything, and tell God what I need and thank Him for all He has done. As a result, I can experience His peace and joy.

Shortly after writing this song, the murder of George Floyd happened, once again, bring racism’s ugly fruit to global attention. However, this time, it was different. People of all races and backgrounds started to come together to protest and demand change. This song and video is dedicated to this change. All proceeds from the sale of “I Choose” will go to the NAACP to help fight racial injustice. I pray the money we raise will help to make a better world for my black children and all people to be able to LIVE and pursue their dreams. I choose to ask God to show me how I can help, I choose to pray for others and how they can be part of the solution, and I choose to pray for positive change at every level.

I CHOOSE! Available on Streaming Sites Below

Spotify | Apple Music | iTunes


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