Don't Fold Ent | "Juneteenth 2021 Community Day" | Recap

Community service is the price we pay for our space on earth! That was the motto that Don't Fold Entertainment, Richmond, VA.'s up and coming Independent Record Label, adopted this Juneteenth 2021 weekend. Their artist roster of EZ Longway, Mack Ben Widdit, Weezy Pacino, and the label staff teamed up to create an unforgettable event for their community. Food, Drinks, Music, and Good Times all came together for an event that brought out 100 participants who got a chance to enjoy a peaceful event. (Re-cap Shot and Directed by Nell ShotIt) Thanks to all who helped make this Juneteenth 2021 a memorable one, and to all who attended, THANK YOU FOR HELPING US RAISE THE BAR!

Stay Tuned with Don't Fold Entertainment.

Contact: Tweezy: | (804) 956-794 | DFE Music | Follow DFE | "Juneteenth 2021 Community Day"


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