M.O. "Throw It" (Remix) ft Boosie Badazz

M.O. is the Eatonville rapper/singer/songwriter that blossomed from a boy to a man in the oldest black-incorporated municipality in the United States. Even though it’s been almost a century since world-renowned Harlem Renaissance writer Zora Neale Hurston gave the world her beloved breeding grounds, the small town located just outside of Orlando is still contributing to popular culture.
And over the past three years, M.O. has become the biggest contributor in this generation. His debut single “Throw It” made a momentous smash on the regional music scene. But when he dropped the remix featuring Boosie Badazz, his name spread like wildfire. Check out the "Throw it Remix" single and video, feedback is greatly appreciated.

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Click Here to Download the DJ Service Pack

Connect w/ M.O.:
Twitter: @momdomg
Instagram: m.o.mdomg


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