Dub82 "Vent" Single

Dub82 out of St Louis Missouri wasn’t an average kid, while his friends opted to play outside, he always wanted to stay inside and listen to music. Once Dub82 reached the age of 11 he recorded his first single under 82-0 Starkat Entertainment. Today we bring to you his new single "Vent", where he talks about some of his frustrations with a melodic sound that puts you in the same mindframe. We all have these times where we want to "Vent" and even if it's to the wall, we've got to let it out. Press play and vibe w/ DUB82.

Click Here to Stream via Apple Music

Click Here to Stream via Spotify

Click Here to Download Service Pack

Connect w/DUB82: @dub82_baby • Instagram photos and videos


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