Interview >> Gwop Boy J | @GwopBoy_J - An Exclusive 1 on 1 w. Breezy Says + his Mixtape "Gorilla Season 2"

Welcome to Mollie's World (The Breezy Says Hot Seat), Gwop Boy J

BS: Hope all is well with you and the family, before we kick things off, we know you have both Southern (Atlanta, GA) and Northern (New York) roots. These two areas are complete polar opposites, so tell us what it was like to have the best of both worlds?
Gwop Boy J: I like having those two roots in me. It's the best of both worlds, although being born in the Bronx I can relate more to my Southern roots, but having a splash of Northern roots makes me well adaptable for all areas of life.
BS: While listening to your mixtape "Gorilla Season 2", I truly get the feeling of your important is it to you to make sure that always comes out in your lyrics?
Gwop Boy J: Music is more like my journal, so the authenticity comes easy. It’s my story and I’m just giving the world to listen.
BS: You say that "Feel It" is one of your favorite tracks because during that time you felt yourself going through a transformation, although you couldn't see it. That to me is the definition of faith, would you say you are moved a lot by your faith? And if so, how important is faith to you?
Gwop Boy J: Faith is most definitely a part of my believes, yet faith without work is dead, so I don't solely depend on faith.
BS: How do you separate your personal life from your music life and how does how does the music industry affect your personal life?
Gwop Boy J: Music is my life, so it's not separate. I just decide how much of it to share. That is always what I ask myself.
BS: What do you believe will be the mark you leave in the music game?
Gwop Boy J: My mark will be to never let up and I will leave something behind that others can grow from while being authentic to yourself.
BS: What is the hardest part of the music industry?
Gwop Boy J: The hardest part about being in the industry is not being where I feel I should be. I know it’s a journey though and I’m prepared for it.

BS: Which artist, dead or alive, would you want on a record with you?
Gwop Boy J: An artist alive I’d like to work with would be Kevin Gates and an artist that has passed would be Nipsey Hussle.

Lets pause for a moment and check out "Gorilla Season 2"


Back To The Hot Seat

BS: What pushes you to keep going on those days when you feel you aren't moving?
Gwop Boy J: My spirit keeps me going and on top of that, my kids. For them I can’t stop, I’m working on creating generational wealth. A family of bosses and until that mission is complete, I refuse to stop.
BS: Knowing what you know now, what advice would you go back and give young GWOP BOY J?
Gwop Boy J: I would have to tell myself "invest more in your craft and make sure to deal with the right person.
BS: What can we look forward to seeing from you in the future?
Gwop Boy J: I cant even fathom what happens in the future because I grow daily at a fast pace, yet my guess right now would be making billionaire type moves.
BS: Any shoutouts or last words?
Gwop Boy J: The last words I'd like to leave you all with are "if you haven't had a chance to check out that "Gorilla Season 2" mixtape, it’s not too late.

Connect with Gwop Boy J:

Twitter: @Gwopboy_j
Instagram: Gwopboy_J


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