Nick Da Dude "Legends Never Die Vol 1" Album | @NickDa8up

Modern rap music demonstrates two facts - one, lyricism is nearly a lost art and two, New Orleans’ unique history and culture births some legendary lyricists. Meet Nick Da Dude, a real rapper who shows off his lyrical prowess on every track. His “Legends Never Die, Volume 1” just dropped and it’s already being well received by fans and industry experts alike. He is from New Orleans’ 8th Ward and he works hard to keep the Downtown area on the map, promising to make the best of the remainder of 2021.
“Legends Never Die, Volume 1” is presented by Organize Thinkers and delivers real rap and exclusive features from Eazymoney and Skip. The 15-track masterpiece is the first in the “Legends Never Die” Series.

Click Here to Stream via Audiomack

Watch "The Greatest" by Nick Da Dude

Connect w/ Nick Da Dude: Twitter @NickDa8up | Instagram nick.da.dude


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